All the peoples of the earth are regarded as nothing. He does as he pleases with the powers of heaven and the peoples of the earth. No one can hold back his hand or say to him: “What have you done?”
Once again a principle found throughout the Bible that God is Sovereign - which means He does as He pleases and He does it with the peoples of the earth. Nowhere in the Bible will you find it written that men have the ability to choose God, to choose what is right, to choose salvation - yet ALL through the Bible it clearly states men do NOT have the ability. A lost man will NEVER believe because he will always love darkness, he hates the Light and CAN’T come into the Light, every imagination of his heart is only evil continually, he is enmity against God, he CAN’T please God, he CAN’T understand anything from the Holy Spirit because it is foolishness to him. (John 3:19-20; Genesis 6:5; Romans 8:7-8; 1 Corinthians 2:14).
Daniel 4:35 again proves God is sovereign - His will is being done on earth as it IS being done in Heaven (Matthew 6:9-13). God can and DOES what He wants with the peoples of the earth - which includes choosing a people and placing them IN Christ before the foundation of the world. And this LONG before those chosen are even born! A lot of Christians today pay lip-service to God’s sovereignty and really think they believe He is - until it comes to Him choosing His Elect. THEN He is no longer sovereign, His will is subservient to the will of the creature and God reacts to man - i.e. He saves those who choose to believe.
Sorry, that errant man-made theory is philosophy and vain deceit (Colossians 2:8), and it makes God a respecter of persons (Acts 10:34). God's application of grace to a man RESULTS in man’s belief. Man can’t change his heart any more than a leopard can change his spots or a black man can change his skin (Jeremiah 13:23), nor can a sheep move from one flock to another of it’s own will. It must be born INTO it or PURCHASED by the shepherd.
A man’s heart MUST change BEFORE he will believe - and God does the changing (John 6:29) without asking the creature.
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