Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Bible Truth #58 - Ecclesiastes 11:5

As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother's womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things.

If getting saved were as Arminians say, it would make sense, it would be understandable, because it is one of the principles of this world - (to receive anything you have to do something) which in itself should tell you it is false doctrine (Colossians 2:8). But the way the Bible describes salvation (i.e. Reformed Theology / Calvinism), we don’t understand it. For no reason that we can understand, God chose some and put them in Christ, the rest He didn’t choose and they receive justice. NO ONE receives injustice.

Why didn’t He choose everyone? Why didn’t He choose only the Jews to save? Why did He choose those He did? Knowing evil would abound, why did He create man anyway? I don’t know but God knows why and He has a plan, and a purpose. His ways are not our ways (Isaiah 55:8-9) and believing in order to BE saved is man’s way - God saving a man and then that man believing as the RESULT of salvation is God’s way.

Compare the following: you cannot understand the work of God (above) - and the work of God is this; that you believe on the one whom He sent (John 6:29). It is NOT a man’s work that he believes on Jesus nor is it a man's doing, it is God’s work. So if you want to “blame” or “credit” someone for a lost person’s disbelief, blame God - if you dare. I can already see the Arminian reply - “A man chooses not to believe.” And I say AGAIN, “I agree!” The Arminian must get past that! A lost man is doing what is NATURAL for him, he can’t believe. He hates God (John 3:20) and will never believe if left to himself. That’s why it takes God working in a lost man (of His choosing) to quicken his dead spirit and MAKE him believe (John 6:29; Philippians 2:13).

Showing me that God lays choices before men does NOT indicate a lost man has the ability to choose correctly. In fact, the exact opposite is written many, many times in the Bible. I ask the Arminian to please show me Scripture that says a lost man has the ability to believe or please God. He won’t because he can’t, the Scripture doesn’t exist.

We become children of God NOT by the will of the flesh (John 1:13).

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