Friday, July 15, 2011

Bible Truth #70 - Ephesians 5:20

always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

This is a very simple verse from which conclusions must be drawn. Why do you think God wants us to give thanks FOR everything? There are no exceptions, God’s Word states give thanks FOR everything. If you are diagnosed with cancer, terminal or treatable, thank God for it. If your wife dies after only 3 months of marriage, thank God for it. If God takes your first child before he is born, thank God for it. If a hurricane or tornado comes through your area and levels your house and you lose everything, thank God for it.

I ask again, Why do you think God would want us to thank Him for these things, and every other thing that happens, good or bad?

Answer - Because He is sovereign and has ordained every specific event that takes places in our lives (Proverbs 16:9), including salvation. And to those who love God, He causes ALL things to work together for good (Romans 8:28 rearranged). And please do not think that it is for OUR good. It is, and will be, for good, period - not always for our good. God wants us to thank Him FOR EVERYTHING, not because He “allowed” it to occur, but because He has ordained (appointed) it to occur. And whatever His reason, and regardless how much it might hurt... give thanks to God the Father FOR everything because He is responsible for both good times and bad (Ecclesiastes 7:14, Isaiah 45:7Lamentations 3:38).

I heard Dr. Sam Cathey once say, “No matter how you feel, give God thanks for everything. ThankfulNESS will come.”

Do you truly believe God is sovereign? Then thank Him, FOR EVERYTHING.

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