Ephesians 1:5
He predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will.
He predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will.
Let me literally spell it out for those who believe in decisional salvation.
He (Subject) - God, Creator of the Universe, the Authority
Predestined (verb) - “pre” meaning before, prior; destined - determined an outcome, something only a sovereign God could do. Before time was created God determined an outcome upon the object of the sentence or phrase (this portion of the sentence.)
Us (obj.) - the Apostle Paul, Christians at Ephesus, and by clear implication, ALL Christians through the millennia, those God chose in Him before the foundation of the world (v4), those in whom God would work and MAKE believers (John 6:29).
(to be) adopted - a term defined by, and understood by most to mean that, the Authority in the matter exercises complete control over the process, the adoptee has no voice, no rights, and no responsibility in the matter of adoption whatsoever.
(as) His - a possessive pronoun clearly meaning the object (us) is the possession of the Subject (God)
Sons - a familial legal term meaning part of a family
Through - by the means or instrumentality of
Jesus Christ - Savior of the Elect, Savior of the World (1 John 4:14); “world” in context meaning Jews AND Gentiles, not just Jews.
(in) accordance - agreement
With - corresponding
His - a possessive pronoun referring to the subject (God) owning the object of this subordinate clause
Pleasure (obj.) - enjoyment or satisfaction derived from what is to God’s delight
(and) Will (obj.) - also an object; wish, desire
I’d really like to know where in those words did Paul write, or even imply, IF we accept?
God predestined us, in other words - He determined a result before the action that caused it. It’s fitting that this verse follows verse 4 that says we were chosen in Him before the foundation of the world. Verse 5 reinforces verse 4.
He predestined us to be adopted. I talked about adoption before but Truth should always be reinforced directly so I’ll bring it up again. Then, as is the case now, in the legal adoption process, a child, the one who is to be adopted into a family, has no legal rights in the matter whatsoever. It is not a coincidence that God had Paul use that term. Because the people at that time, as people do today who haven’t been prejudiced against God’s sovereignty, completely understand the term adoption. So - just as an adoptee has no say in the matter of being joined into a physical family, those God predestined to salvation have no say in the matter of being joined into His family.
Not only was it predestined, and not only were we adopted, it was in accordance with God’s pleasure and will - not ours. Hallelujah and PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME!
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