Accept him whose faith is weak, without passing judgment on disputable matters.
As I wrote in Bible Truth #152 about the level of faith each human being has (or lack of it, i.e. the lost), God is the one Who determines the amount of faith we each have. Paul writes here to accept him whose faith is weak. I’m certain he is writing of other believers and not the lost because the lost have no faith whatsoever. And though the context of Romans 14 applies to what we eat or drink, the principle applies to ALL of our understanding. Faith, ALL faith, is God-given. He measures out each bit and everyone one of us have exactly how much He wants us to have. (Romans 12:3)
Those that do not believe God’s Holy, inspired, infallible, inerrant Word regarding His sovereignty in Election are to be accepted - do not judge them. Even though this is not (or should not be) a “disputable matter” like whether or not to eat meat sacrificed to idols or drinking the occasional glass of wine, the issue is the faith each of us has to accept God’s Word over our feelings, emotions, traditions, or principles of the World which Satan tries to beat into us every day.
Even though I have written over 350 “Bible Truths” that show the clear meaning of the text is God’s sovereignty in Election, or our total depravity, or our inability in choosing righteousness while in a lost state, except for a few I have yet to have an Arminian rebut or refute my explanations other than, “It doesn’t mean that.” When they say that I ask, “OK, so tell me what it means.” They then repeat “It doesn’t mean what you believe.”
Accept him as a brother in Christ and continue praying for not only the lost, but also for the saved whose view of salvation is a weak God who can not save to the uttermost, a God who requires assistance in the saving of souls.
I agree with God’s Word, we become children of God NOT by human decision. (John 1:13)
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