On the occasion of this being #200 this is pretty much a short summary of a lot of the points I’ve made. They are in Biblical sequence in case you wanted to look for a specific passage.
I really don’t see how an Arminian can reply to each one, “You’re reading into each passage what you want it to mean.” They all say or point to the same thing - God’s sovereignty in Election.
When God’s Word says:
- every imagination of the thoughts of a lost man’s heart is only evil continually - I believe it (Genesis 6:5)
- He hates the workers of iniquity - I believe it (Psalm 5:5)
- He hates the wicked and those who love violence - I believe it (Psalm 11:5)
- He forms the hearts of all men (which includes the lost) - I believe it (Psalm 33:15)
- He works out everything for His own ends, even the wicked for their day - I believe it (Proverbs 16:4)
- the Lord determines a man’s steps - I believe it (Proverbs 16:9)
- a lost man is bent ONLY on rebellion - I believe it (Proverbs 17:11)
- a man may make many plans but God’s plan will prevail - I believe it (Proverbs 19:21)
- He moves the King’s heart where He wants - I believe it (Proverbs 21:1)
- It will accomplish what He desires - I believe it (Isaiah 55:11)
- the lost are not able to do good because they are accustomed to doing evil - I believe it (Jeremiah 13:23)
- He knows the thoughts (plans) He has toward us for an expected end - I believe it (Jeremiah 29:11)
- the lost man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him - I believe it (Matthew 12:35)
- the secrets of Heaven have been given to us but not the lost - I believe it (Matthew 13:11)
- many will try to believe in Jesus but will not be able to - I believe it (Luke 13:24)
- even the apostles couldn't understand until the Lord opened their minds - I believe it (Luke 24:40-45)
- a man is saved NOT by human decision - I believe it (John 1:13)
- a lost man will NOT come into the Light because he hates It - I believe it (John 3:20)
- belief is a work of God and it is GIVEN to us and not to others - I believe it (John 6:29)
- all those given to Jesus WILL go to Him - I believe it (John 6:37)
- Jesus raises up every man God draws - I believe it (John 6:44)
- the lost are not able to listen to It because they are of their father the devil - I believe it (John 8:43-44)
- He chose us, we DIDN’T choose Him - I believe it (John 15:16)
- Jesus prayed for us (His chosen) but did not pray for the world - I believe it (John 17:9)
- all those appointed to eternal life WILL believe - I believe it (Acts 13:48)
- He appoints the time & place for every man to live - I believe it (which included/includes those who NEVER heard/hear the Gospel) (Acts 17:26)
- no one seeks God and no one understands - I believe it (Romans 3:11)
- a lost man is hostile toward God - I believe it (Romans 8:7)
- a lost man can NOT please God - I believe it (Romans 8:8)
- He glorifies ALL those He has called - I believe it (Romans 8:29-30)
- man doesn’t acquire faith, God gives it to him (or doesn’t give it to him) - I believe it (Romans 12:3)
- anything not done in faith is a sin - I believe it (this includes a lost man praying to “accept” Jesus) (Romans 14:23)
- the message of the cross is foolishness to the lost - I believe it (1 Corinthians 1:18)
- not many are called - I believe it (1 Corinthians 1:26)
- not many are called - I believe it (1 Corinthians 1:26)
- a lost man can’t understand ANYTHING from the Holy Spirit - I believe it (1 Corinthians 2:14)
- the lost cannot see the Light of the Gospel of the Glory of Jesus Christ - I believe it (2 Corinthians 4:4)
- He chose us before the foundation of the world - I believe it (Ephesians 1:4)
- He is working ALL things after the counsel of His will, not ours - I believe it (Ephesians 1:11)
- we were dead and could do nothing spiritually good until God MADE us alive - I believe it (Ephesians 2:1, 2:5, Colossians 2:13)
- belief is given to us, believing is something man can NOT do until then - I believe it (Philippians 1:29)
- He works in us to will and to do according to HIS good pleasure - I believe it (Philippians 2:13)
- He rescued us from the dominion of darkness (we had no part in it) - I believe it (Colossians 1:13)
- His Word is a mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations, but is now disclosed to the saints (and not the lost) - I believe it (Colossians 1:26).
- The church and the believers grow as God causes them to grow, or not grow - I believe it (Colossians 2:19)
- A man not chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world has no hope of being save - I believe it (1 Thessalonians 4:13)
- A man not chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world has no hope of being save - I believe it (1 Thessalonians 4:13)
- He chose us from the beginning to be saved - I believe it (2 Thessalonians 2:13)
- He saved us not because of ANYTHING we have done - I believe it (2 Timothy 1:9)
- His grace was given to Christians before the beginning of time - I believe it (2 Timothy 1:9)
- a man can’t repent unless God gives it to him - I believe it. (2 Timothy 2:25)
- the lost are NEVER ABLE to acknowledge the Truth - I believe it (2 Timothy 3:7)
- Jesus is the Stone that causes men to stumble, which is what they were destined for - I believe it (1 Peter 2:8)
Why is it Christians who believe in man's free will don’t believe God’s Word? One answer - Because it is God’s purpose for them NOT to believe His Sovereignty in Election.
God is getting glory in their unbelief just as He is getting glory in the general unbelief of the lost! To those who love God, ALL things work together for good (Romans 8:28) - and good is defined as His Glory, Honor, and Praise.
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