And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off?
The Arminian will disagree but who are God’s chosen ones? They are His Elect, the ones He chose in Christ before the foundation of the world (Ephesians 1:4). I know the Arminian will say that God chose us because He knew what decision we would make concerning Christ. That is false for several reasons, among which are:
- One, He knows what “decision” we will make?? Sorry, we become children of God NOT by human decision (John 1:13);
- Two, if God saves a man based on the man’s decision that would make Him a respecter of persons. Peter tells us in Acts 10:34 that God is not a respecter of persons. God would be showing favoritism toward the believer over the unbeliever.
- Three, it isn’t because God has foreknowledge of what decision we will make, He has foreknowledge because He has appointed or ordained the specific “decision” to occur. In other words, God decided long ago whom to save. Then once He quickened the dead spirit of a lost man, the now saved man WILL respond and come into the Light (John 6:37). The Arminian believes this response to what God has already done is the original “decision” man makes to “accept” salvation. Sorry, the original decision was made before the foundation of the world and it wasn’t man who made it, it was God. (Ephesians 1:4)
Just as Luke records in Acts 13:48, all who were appointed to eternal life believed. None of those who believed appointed themselves. The appointment came from God long before their belief. And in the same situation, all those God did NOT appoint to eternal life did NOT believe and never will. It is all according to His plan and purpose (Ephesians 1:11). There are no “accidents” or coincidences.
The Arminian will not let go of the man-centered idea of “free will” and has yet to show me in the Bible a credible basis for his belief in decisional salvation. The only way I would even consider the idea of man having free will is that he has a free will but it is only to do evil continually (Genesis 6:5). But I contend man has no free will because in Romans 6:17-18 Paul writes that men are slaves to sin or slaves to righteousness, and slaves have no free will.
Bottom Line - God WILL “bring about justice” for (avenge) His chosen ones and ONLY His chosen ones. Those He did NOT choose for salvation will not be avenged and instead will receive justice. No one receives injustice.
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